Saturday, November 30, 2019

High School Sports Essay Example

High School Sports Essay Cause and Effect Essay Over the year’s high school sports has had a big impact on students who are involved in school sports. Research shows that students who are involved in athletics in school tend to have stronger leadership skills, healthier lifestyles, high self-esteem and help them to have better relationships with their peers. Supreme Court Justice Byron White stated, â€Å"Sports and other forms of vigorous activity provide educational experience which cannot be duplicated in the classrooms. They are an uncompressing laboratory in which we must think and act quickly and efficiently under pressure and then force us to meet our own inadequacies face to face and to do something about them as nothing else does†¦. Sports resemble life in capsule form and the participant quickly learns that his performance depends upon the development of strength, stamina, self- discipline and a steady judgment. † This statement tells us that sports can be a very good thing in our educational teachings, but it is not in the classroom. A sport teaches children sportsmanship. Sociologists have studied the subject of high school athlete’s participation and their literature contains mixed results. Howell, Miracle, and Ree (1984) examine the earnings of males one year and five years after their high school graduation. They find that no premium is earned by varsity high school athletes for those who do not attend college. They also found that some athletes obtain higher levels in schooling. We will write a custom essay sample on High School Sports specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on High School Sports specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on High School Sports specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Sports can be a positive thing only if the athletes know what their recommendations are and also they know that just because they are in sports doesn’t mean that they don’t have to participate in class. Sports has been proven to keep children off the streets and out of trouble. This is an after school activity. So by that this gives children the opportunity to be active in something positive and not doing the bad things that we all hear about. Parents and guardians have to take charge and give a responsible role model to go by. Not only do they need to show responsibility, but also they need to teach their children how to explore what’s best for their life. Not letting them be totally free to make their own decisions but let them be limited to what they can make decisions on. Like what sports they can play, how they are going to handle their school work and playing sports at the same time and dong what they have to do at home as well on day to day bases. There is a negative side to sports that only happens when athletes get the wrong impression about what position they are in. Some athletes think that just because they are an athlete then they can do their work as they want. In some situations, students are given a break because they are the top athlete. What does this teach them? It doesn’t teach anything positive to any student whether they play sports or not. There are some athletes that take advantage of other students because they feel like they are in a lower position as them. This can make a student lose their self esteem if they are not strong enough to handle the negative comments from other students. Many high school students that play sports fix into a certain group of kids that everyone like and want to be like. Playing a school sport can put a student in the category of being poplar. Poplar students get all of the attention from the other kids and this sometimes can take from others. Students can tend to let this position some what run their lives and make them into a person that no one likes are care for. Being a high school sport player can have its up and downs. The biggest effect of being a high school athlete is that you’re always have pressure from everyone to be the best and you have to play this way if you want to be that way. The role of sport in society, and more particularly in schools, has been debated for many decades. There are divergent viewpoints on the value of sport, with proponents on one end of the continuum hailing sport as having the same goals and objectives as all of education and on the other end those who purport that sport is an entertainment enterprise that should be separated from education altogether. In all sport can help a student more than harm them in their studies. They feel they are a part of something and this make them want to learn more and keep their grades up so they can play sports. Playing any kind of sport in high school can be very awarding in the end. One can get scholarships to college that will pay the full amount to go to college. They can be awarded with being name the VIP for the school in any of the sports they play. In the end being a high school sport player can be both awarding and unfulfilling.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Summary And Synthesis Of Mike Roses Lives On The Boundary Essays

Summary And Synthesis Of Mike Roses Lives On The Boundary Essays Summary and Synthesis of Mike Rose's "Lives on the Boundary" Carl Woodward's article in the Battalion relating to the idea that undergraduates do not care about important issues is on average totally inaccurate. "Lives on the Boundary", an excellent, informative essay by Mike Rose is a great example of how and why education should be equal for everyone. My fellow classmates and I mostly agree with Mike Rose's essay and disagree with Carl Woodward's opinion. We care about important issues and think that education should be equal for all. When Mike Rose was growing up he had only a few books available to him so he began to buy comic books because he "loved the heroes' virtuous omnipotence." And after comic books he moved to other items such as the instructions to his chemistry set and science fiction novels. He wrote very little in his schooling until his last year of high school where a teacher helped him find an interest in doing so. Although he was a good reader he did inefficiently on literacy tests. It can be said that he only thought about the concrete reality. Basically he was only educated by what entertained him, like Elizabeth Ewen's quote says (Rose 98-99). Rose further goes on in his essay to explain the circumstances of immigrants in our country and their struggle of learning the english language in order to improve their life style. He says "a failed education is social more then intellectual in origin." For example he explains the essence of a boy from Guatemala who saw his brother hacked apart, and how the boy has trouble learning the canonical education due to the trauma that he has experienced (Rose 99,101). Rose further goes on to argue that the great books are necessary and should be thought but the students must learn the material not just memorize it for regeration on exams. It would even be a good idea "to revise these messages and redress past wrongs would involve more than adding some new books to the existing cannon." (Rose 107) Basically Rose says that the cannon should be adjusted so that education will be more available for all. I feel that education should be equal for all and support most of Mike Rose's thoughts and ideas. It no difference what country or ethnic background people are from they should all have the same chances to succeed in America. However I feel that Rose favors the canonical or education by way of great books approach to education and I am more inclined to the revisionist's approach to education. I agree that the great books should still be read and taught but not necessarily in the numbers that they are now. Or maybe the teaching of the literature could change to a more student/learner friendly manner. Suppose that the students are allowed to pick from a list of the great books, which one would they want to read. If so then the student might actually get something out of the reading process, and the education system will have worked. When I discussed Mike Rose's essay with my fellow classmates I found that their thoughts and ideas regarding the article were very similar to my own. Drew suggested that "Students should read the great books that they are interested in because if they are not interested they won't get anything out of them." In addition David added "That students need to find the love of reading by books they are introduced and then they can love the great books, everyone needs to be introduced." Basically my peers believe in Rose's ideas except that they like me a favor a slightly more revisionist approach to education. We still support education by way of the great books we just believe it is time to modernize the learning process. In Conclusion, the way that english is taught in our classrooms needs to be changed so that people of all backgrounds have a better chance of learning and becoming productive citizens. It is obvious that students care about important issues and are working to change them. I am not saying that the great book or canonical approach to education should be abolished. However I believe that

Friday, November 22, 2019

Is the ACT Easier Than the SAT

Is the ACT Easier Than the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Because all US colleges accept scores from either the ACT or SAT, picking the test on which you’ll perform better is critical to your admission chances. But when parents and students ask whether the ACT is easier than the SAT, it can be hard to give a good answer. You might not know how the tests compare with each other or which one you're more likely to do better on. There aredifferences between the SAT and ACT that can make one or the other legitimately easier or harder for test takers. So how do you know whether the SAT or ACT is easier for you? Keep reading to learn the eight key factors that'll help you determine whether the ACT or SAT is easier. Although theACT and SAT differ in a lot of ways, only a few are really important to understanding whether the ACT or SAT is a better fit for you. Each student is different in each of the below factors. As a result,one testwill be easier for you depending on your own strengths and weaknesses. We’ve broken down our analysis into two major sections: content-related and format-related. ACT and SAT Content-Related Abilities: 6 Factors Before we get into specific content-related abilities, let's quickly go over the structures of the two tests. The SAT contains three sections: Reading Writing and Language (hereafter Writing) Math By contrast, the ACT contains four sections: English Math Reading Science Both tests also have an optional essay.Each section has a different format on the ACT than on the SAT, but only some of these differences really matter. Here are the most crucial factors to consider as well as our tips on what these might indicate about which test is easier for you. Factor 1: HowBroad Is Your Mathematical Knowledge? While the SAT and ACT both emphasize algebra questions in their math sections,the ACT's Math section typically tests a wider range of mathematical concepts- such aslogarithms, graphs of trig functions, and matrices- that the SAT doesn't cover. The ACT also has significantlymore questions dealing with geometry and trigonometrythan the SAT does.On the ACT's Math section, about a quarter to a third of the questions will be about geometry or trigonometry, while less than 10% of the SAT's math questions will focus on either of these topics. More SAT Math questions will focus on algebra, along with some other topics such as data analysis and modeling. In addition to testing a wider range of math topics,the ACT doesn't give you any math formulas at the beginning of the Math section, so you’ll need to have them all memorized. On the contrary, the SAT will give you most of the major math formulas you'll need for the test. Here are some key questions to ask yourself: Can I memorize all the formulas I'll need to know? Do I have strong geometry and trigonometry skills? Would I prefer to have primarilyalgebra-related questions? Bottom Line:If you’re more comfortable with algebra than you are with geometry and trigonometry, SAT Math will likely be easier for you than ACT Math will be. Factor 2: How Confident Are You Without a Calculator? Students are not allowed to have a calculator for part of the SAT Math section. The SAT Math section has two parts: a No Calculator part (20 questions) and a Calculator part (38 questions). By contrast, the ACT allows you to use a calculator for all math questions. Every question on the SAT No Calculator subsection is solvable by hand; however, these problems will sometimes require complicated calculations. If you aren't comfortable solving these questions without having a calculator to help you out, this part of the SAT might be challenging for you. Bottom Line:If you prefer always having access to a calculator on math problems, you might find ACT Math easier. Factor 3: Are You Comfortable With Scientific Terminology for ACT Science? Lots of people make a big deal out of the ACT Science section, but the truth is thatit's not actually about science. It doesn't test much knowledge of actual scientific facts, such as freezing points or solubility rules, but it does use a lot of scientific language. The Science sectionalso uses charts and graphs that will be familiar to students with strong science backgrounds. While the SAT incorporates some of these concepts into its three sections, you'll still be answering more questions like thison the ACT. The sample data below is typical of the ACT Science section: Source: Official ACT Practice Test 2005-06 You can answer questions about this information without knowing thatMg means magnesium, or that mol stands for the unit of measurement mole, or that˚C means degrees Celsius. That said, it's a lot faster and easier if you do know these things. And because your Science score factors into yourACT composite score, if you don't know Science well, the Science section can lower your overall score. Bottom Line:Comfort with scientific terms and experience gathering scientific data from charts and graphs will give you a greater advantage on the ACT. While you don't need experience in a lab, you should have some basic science knowledge for the ACT. Factor 4: Can You Remember the Location of Details in Reading Passages? An often-overlooked aspect concerning whether the SAT or ACT is easier for a student is the detail questions on the Reading sections of each test. In short, the SAT gives you more information to work with than the ACT does. Look at it like this: after you read about two pages of an academic book, do you tend to remember where the different pieces of information are located in that reading? Or do you need to go back over it to find specific details? Your answer to these questions canmake adifference between your SAT and ACT Reading scores. This is because one big, somewhat odd difference between the SAT and ACT is their treatment of details in their respective Reading sections. While both tests have questions about small, specific details from the readings,the SAT will usuallytell you what line they're referring to, whereas the ACT frequently does not. Here's a simple example from an ACT Reading section: This kind of question (we call it "fact-finding" at PrepScholar) isn't a challenge if you have the line numbers where the information is located. During the ACT, though, it can be difficult and time-consuming to skim a passageto figure out which specific parta question is referring to. On the SAT, most questions have a line number. Even if they don't, SAT Reading questions always proceed in chronological order. This means you'll have a general idea of where the key information is even if you're not given an exact line reference. If you can easily remember where information is located in a passage, these ACTquestions will be a piece of cake and give you extra time for the harder ones. If you don't, ACT Readingwill frustrate you and simply suck up your precious time. Bottom Line:The ability to remember the locations of details in reading passageswill give you a greater advantage on the ACT. Factor 5: How Easily Can You Cite Evidence for Your Answers? On Reading, the SAT has questions calledevidence-support questions, whichthe ACT doesn't have. These are two-part questions: thefirst question will ask you something general about the passage, whereasthe following question will ask you to cite the specific evidence that supports your answer to the previous question. Here's an exampleof one of these question pairs on the SAT: Source: Official SAT Practice Lesson Plans for Teachers by Teachers As you can see, these questions can be tricky because theyrequire higher-level thinking and strong reasoning skills. If you're stuck on the first question, you likely won't get the second one right either. Take the ACT, though, and you won't have to worry about Reading questions like these. Bottom Line:If you aren’t used to finding evidence to support your reasoning, SAT Reading might be more challenging for you than ACT Reading. Factor 6: Which Types of Writing Questions Do You Prefer? Both the SAT and the ACT Writing/English sections have passage-based questions, but the topics these questions focus on differ between the two tests. ACT English is slightly more focused on grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. This sectionalso includes big picture questions thatask about the main idea of the passage, whereas SAT Writing doesn't include these types of questions. On the other hand,the SAT focuses more on questions about writing style. It also includes what are known as precision questions; these require you to select the most appropriate word or phrase. Because of precision and other similar questions, the SAT tends to test vocabulary a little more than the ACT does. Bottom Line:The Writing/English sections for both testsare highly similar. However, if you have a solid knowledge of grammar and sentence structure, youmight find ACT English easier, whereas if you prefer questions aboutwriting style and vocabulary,SAT Writing might be easier for you. Instead of flipping through a dictionary to learn vocab, why not check out our SAT vocab list? ACT and SAT Format-Related Abilities: 2 Factors For this section major section, we look at format-related abilities. Unlike content-related abilities, which deal with the content of the ACT and SAT, format-related abilities deal with the overall structures of the two tests and the testing requirements of your state. Below are the top two format-related factors to consider as well as our advice on whether the ACT or SAT might be easier for you. Factor 7: Are You Able to Avoid Getting Stuck on Challenging Questions? Especially in the Math sections of both tests and theSciencesection of the ACT, it's easy for many students to get wrapped up in trying to figure out a particularly challenging problem. This can turn into spending four or five minutes on a single question and missing other ones as a result. Why is this important? The ACT gives much less time per question. Here is a chart showing the time per question on both tests, for reference: Test Section Total Time # of Questions Time per Question ACT English 45 minutes 75 36 seconds Math 60 minutes 60 60 seconds Reading 35 minutes 40 53 seconds Science 35 minutes 40 53 seconds SAT Reading 65 minutes 52 75 seconds Writing 35 minutes 44 48 seconds Math No Calculator: 25 minutes Calculator: 55 minutes No Calculator: 20 Calculator: 38 No Calculator: 75 seconds Calculator: 86 seconds As you can see from this comparison chart, in all sections the ACT offers less time per question than the SAT does.While the ACT English and SAT Writing sections only differ by 12 seconds per question, the two tests' Reading sections differ by 22 seconds- that's almost half a minute more per question! With the Math sections, too, the ACT offers far less time per question. On the SAT Math Calculator subsection, you'll get about 86 seconds per question; however, you'll get 26 seconds less on each ACT Math question. Bottom Line:The ability to move on from difficult questions and work quickly will give you a greater advantage on the ACT. Factor 8: Do You Live in a State That Requires ACT or SAT Testing? This last factor is pretty cut and dried: if your state requires you to take one of the two tests, you'll likely find that test easier. The following 15 states use the ACT as part of their statewide testing regimen: Alabama Hawaii Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada North Carolina North Dakota (students must take ACT or WorkKeys) South Carolina Utah Wisconsin Wyoming And the following eight regions use the SATas part of their testing regimen: Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Illinois Maine Michigan New Hampshire Having a required test can help you be more prepared for that exam. For example, if you live in a state that requires you to take the ACT, you'll likely receive significant in-school preparation for that exam, and yourteachers will be more familiar with how the ACT is formatted and what skills it tests. Even though you can still take the test your state doesn't require, you'll likely be less familiar with it and won't have had as much exposure to it as you did with the one required by your state. Bottom Line:Living in one of the states where the ACT or SAT is requiredwillgive you a slight advantage on that test.That said, if you’re committed toprepping seriously, you’ll get so much exposure to whichevertest you choose that this initial boost won’t make much of a difference in the end. What's your move: ACT or SAT? ACT vs SAT: How Do I Decide Which Test to Take? In this article, we’ve listed tons of important factors to help you figure out whether the ACT or SAT will be easier for you. But is there a quicker way to determine which test you should take? We recommend using the chart below to help organize your thoughts. For each question, answer yes or no (by marking it with an X or check mark) in accordance with your own personal strengths and weaknesses. Once finished, tally up your yes marks and give yourselfonepoint for each yes. For example, if you answered yes to the first question about trigonometry, you'd get one point. However, if you answered no, you'd earn zero points for that question. Question Yes No Are you good at applying trigonometry and geometry skills? Do you like being able to use a calculator on math questions? Are you good at memorizing lots of math formulas? Are you comfortable with scientific terms? Can you easily remember the locations of details in passages? Do you have strong grammar and punctuation skills? Can you work quickly and efficiently? Do you live in one of the mandatory ACT testing states? Are you OK with answering questions that arenot in chronological order? Is it difficult for you to find evidence in passages to support your answers? Do you struggle to answer questions about writing style? Do you often have trouble with vocabulary questions? Once you've tallied up your points, find your score below to learn what it means about which test will be easier for you: 1-4 points: The SAT's got your name on it! If you answered mostly "no" in the chart above, then you'll likely find the SAT easier than the ACT. With the SAT, you don't have to worry about as many geometry questions or a science section, and you'll get more time per question. 5-8 points: You can take the ACT or SAT If you answered "yes" and "no" an equal (or nearly equal) number of times, you can take either test. In other words,the SAT and ACT will be roughly the same difficulty based on the combination of strengths and weaknesses you noted above. 9-12 points: The ACT's the one for you! If you answered mostly "yes," then the ACT will be the easier test for you. With the ACT, you'll get to flex your science and trig muscles. You'll also get to focus more on grammar and punctuation knowledge and less on vocab and writing style. What's the Best Way to Figure Out Whether to Take the ACT or SAT? The above factors we covered are just general principles to guide your thinking. In the end, the best gauge of which test fits you better is to take a full-length practice test of each test and compare your scores on them.You can access all officialSAT practice tests and ACT practice testsfor free on our blog. We’ve also written guides on how to figure out what your target SAT score and target ACT score should be. Knowing this can help you determine how far you'll have to improve on each test. If your practice test score for one test is higher than it is for the other in relation to your target score, you'll likely have a better shot at getting into your target colleges using that test! What's Next? If you're aiming for a top ACT or SAT score, check out our guides togettinga perfect SAT scoreand a perfect ACT score. Both were written by our resident full scorer! Not sure when to take the ACT or SAT? Figure out the best test dates to take the SAT or ACT, and learn how to create an ACT/SAT study schedule for yourself. Whether you decide to take the SAT or ACT,youhaveto know what your target score is. Figure this out using ourSAT target score guideandACT target score guide. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT and ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160+ points or your ACT score by 4+ points. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organizational Learning, Predictive Analysis and Emerging Technologies Research Paper

Organizational Learning, Predictive Analysis and Emerging Technologies - Research Paper Example 186). Secondly, this has awakened the organizations to the significance of organizational learning when managed in correlation to the objective of benefitting from the new technologies (Gilley & Maycunich, 2000, p. 186). Organizational learning has both social and technical dimensions, when delved on in the light of the recent technological innovations and developments. As per a technical approach towards organizational learning, learning is primarily about a seamless and applied storage, analysis, interpretation and response to the information and data existing within and outside the organizations (Gilley & Maycunich, 2000). These data and information may be both quantitative and qualitative. On the contrary a social approach towards organizational learning delves on the varied human aspects of predictive analysis like the personnel mindset and the technology related literacy at the disposal of employees (Gilley & Maycunich, 2000). In that context, technological literacy and a more adaptive approach towards facilitating a technology driven predictive analysis is something that can either be acquired through the regular social interactions within organizations like a joint effort aimed at making sense of some data and information, attempts to observe and emulate employees and colleagues who are technically skilled, situated practices, etc. Yet, everything could not be left to informal modes of gaining the right attitude and skills, and organizations are also required to pursue a more proactive approach. When it comes to implementing new technologies to facilitate a more accurate predictive analysis in organizations, Argyris (1977) holds that though inculcating a technological mindset is... The researcher states that the dawn of the 21st century represents a marked shift in the way organizations work and operate in the sense that many mundane aspects of the organizational working could conveniently be automated in the light of the varied emerging technologies. These emerging technologies not only pose new challenges within the domain of organizational learning, but also facilitate a more accurate predictive analysis, thereby adding to organizational productivity and profitability. In the current context, with new technologies coming to fore, the organizations simply cannot afford to ignore pursuing a theoretical approach towards organizational learning, when they promise a more factual and pragmatic possibilities in the area of predictive analysis. A lackluster attitude towards the very nature of learning in an organizational context portends degradation and loss, at least in a relative context. With the emergence of varied IT based technologies, which facilitate a mor e realistic and accurate conduct of predictive analysis, learning could be considered to be both a process as well as a product. In the domain or organizational learning, the researcher suggests that two big challenges before organizations are to align the employee mindset in consonance with the emerging technologies and to impart the required technical literacy. In conclusion, the benefits accrued from this will result in multiple gains facilitated by more accurate, prompt and reliable predictive analysis.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis of Sprint PCS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Sprint PCS - Essay Example While in services main costs are connected to equipment maintaining those services and have little impact on prices (which are mainly formed by customer's demands), mobile phones have a lot of issues on manufacturing and especially testing product costs. "One hundred percent of mobile phones are tested to ensure regulatory and standard compliance, where many other consumer electronic products are merely sample tested." (Strickler, 2004). Additionally, mobile phones have ultra-short life cycles comparing to other consumer electronics, which is followed with more funds spent on designing new models. As most of the manufacturing of Sprint is outsourced to China manufacturing labor costs are considered to be low. Still in the context of aggressive competition in the wireless industry they must be taken into account. Recent years have been regarded as productivity increasing due to technological innovations in manufacturing. Raw materials needed for production of cellular phones are the industry without a clear cut leader, which along with decreasing overall waging costs and at the same time slight increase in average wages had a positive influence on productivity and average total costs of cellular phones: as labor productivity growth settles in near its longer-run trend of 2 to 2-1/2 percent, increases in unit labor costs may begin to put some upward pressure on prices, offsetting possible moderation in nonwage costs (Bernanke 2005). As iMarket Structure As it was stated earlier cellular phone industry is very dense leaving no free space to possible new contenders. Market structure in mobile services is an oligopoly, when power is concentrated in the hands of several key players, that is: Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon etc. Position of Sprint in mobile phones industry is comparatively weaker, major players are: Nokia, Motorola, Siemens, Alcatel and Sony Ericsson. Such heavy competition along with the wide choice of vendors available to customers creates implications on pricing. Simply there is very little space for adjusting prices because a company has to stay close to its main pricing curve. Cellular phones have evolved from a hi-tech gadget to an everyday life commodity negatively affecting prices, which continue to decrease. On the other side extremely wide audience of consumers and further shortening life-cycle increases amounts of cell phones sold. Recent performance of Sprint shows that while the customer base of the company continues to increase its revenues are the same as two years ago. "Sprint's subscriber base grew 110% but its market share has barely changed since June 2002. Price erosion and competition has reduced Services revenue by 19%" (Alexander Resources, 2005) Moreover the company experiences low customer satisfaction recently found by Strategy Analytics: "Sprint PCS posts below average ratings on many measures, though the carrier does redeem itself somewhat with a well-received product and service range" ( 2004). Therefore Sprint PCS needs changes in its strategy for further development. First of all, if bigger is not better Sprint needs to reduce the distance between the company and a certain customers group. Secondly it should pay more attention to the quality of its products to increase customer satisfaction with more added value. Economic Forecast Basing on the macroeconomic forecast presented by the learning team (Hahn et al 2005) I have selected the following factors that will affect the demand of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The African Americans Throughout the History of Mass Communication Essay Example for Free

The African Americans Throughout the History of Mass Communication Essay Mass communication today has truly gained enormous advancements since it was first developed back then. The field continually grows and develops as more and more technological innovations are taking place nowadays. Indeed, mass communication has truly gone a long way. If its history would be traced back then, we will find out how the field changed throughout the ages. Moreover, tracing back the roots of mass communication would show how us how its forms also changed. From wired communication, mass media suddenly became a wireless one. In addition to this, history of mass communication would also allow us to see the reflection of the mass or the people. With this, history of mass communication would tell us about the humanity in general, including one of the greatest yet most controversial races from all around the globe—the African-Americans. How does the history of mass media reflect the African-Americans throughout the years? The African Americans is one race that holds a rich culture and history. Most of what the race has gone through were also reflected through various forms of mass media, including those of the radio, print, television, advertising, public relations, and film industries. Radio Industry Perhaps as a result of discrimination, it was not for some decades before African Americans began participating in the radio field. There were occasional African American singers in the radio. However, a dedicated African American radio station was founded much later than others. In today’s context, it is just ironic that African Americans are now the artists that are played much on the radio and there is a significant number of African Americans working with radio productions. Television Industry Television just shows the thinking of the present generation. In the earlier years of television, it is just understandable that there is only little participation of the African American community—some may not even had he chance to watch television. But in today’s world, there are many famous and influential African Americans shown in television like Oprah and Barrack Obama. This shows that this generation treats African Americans without discrimination. Film Industry Since the earliest times of the film industry, African American actors had shown tremendous talent in acting. Additionally, the world had learned how to laugh with African American humor. Interestingly, African American actors and actresses are present in almost all movie genres. One outstanding African American actress is Halle Berry, who is the first and still only African American woman to be awarded by the prestigious Academy Award for Best Actress in 2002. With the changes with the way African Americans are portrayed nowadays, their history somehow also changes. Through the history of mass media, we are able to see how the African Americans rose from an oppressed race to one proud people.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Araby(loss Of Innocence) Essay -- essays research papers

Loss Of Innocence In James Joyce’s Araby the boys loss of innocence may be confusing and even painful but at the same time it is important . It begins his journey into adulthood . The boy in Araby is experiencing something all young men experience , the first crush . It is a time in his life where he is having new feelings, and trying to express those feelings to the object of his affection is next to impossible . Even the simple act of watching Mangan’s sister brings up emotions in the boy . To say the least the boy is overcome when Mangan’s sister actually speaks to him . He is in fact so overcome that he doesn’t even know how heanswered the girl . To think a girl he has secretly watched every day and shyly followed from a distance while he walked to school is actually showing him some attention .Unfortunately for the boy the attention is mistaken for something more than it is. As the boy waits for the day he can go to the bazaar , he thinks of nothing exceptMangan’s sister. The boy sees her when he is going to sleep , when he wakes , and in school in his papers. The boy wants nothing more than to see Mangan’s sister again , but ,in his mind for him to do that he needs to get her something from Araby. The boy is so charged from his encounter that he says he wishes to annihilate the days separating him from going to Araby and ultimately Mangan’s sister . Finally when the day has arrived that he can go to Araby he has to wait for Uncle to get home . To the boys dismay his ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pay for Performance Essay

Traditionally, all incentive plans are â€Å"pay-for-performance† plans. They pay all employees based on the employee’s performance (Dessler). Compensation is a primary motivator for employees. People look for jobs that not only suit their creativity and talents, but compensate them both in terms of salary and other benefits accordingly. Compensation is also one of the fastest changing fields in Human Resources, as companies continue to investigate various ways of rewarding employees for performance. It is very important for organizations to make sure that the incentive plans are well structured to need the needs of the employee and in return make the organization profitable. Giving incentive pay to employees that has not earned them destroys the motivation and moral of employees which leads to less productivity. Thanks to public outcry, shareholder outrage, and increased government scrutiny, companies are making some adjustments to their executive incentive programs. At the very least, it gives the appearance of linking pay to performance. Most managers get short-term bonuses and long-term incentives in addition to salary.50 For firms offering short-term incentive plans, virtually all 96% provide those incentives in cash. For those offering long-term incentive plans, about 48% offer stock options. These aim to motivate and reward management for long-term corporate growth in shareholder value. The size of the bonus (in terms of percentage of salary) is usually greater for top-level executives (Dessler). Often times top level management incentives are just a bit too much. They are given large stock options, cash bonuses, and other high price incentives and often times they take advantage of the situation. Enron executives are a great example of taking advantage of a good thing. This is just one down fall of the incentive program, another issue would be employee moral decrease because they often times feels like management should not receive such large rewards when they the employee feels like they are going all the work. Enron officials manipulated information to protect their interests and to deceive the public, although the extent of their deception is still to be determined. Both executives and board members claim that they weren’t aware of the company’s off-the-books partnerships and shaky financial standing. However, both Skilling and Lay were warned that the firm’s accounting tactics were suspect, and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations concluded, â€Å"Much that was wrong with Enron was known to the board.† Enron’s leaders acted irresponsibly by failing to take needed action, failing to exercise proper oversight, and failing to shoulder responsibility for the ethical miscues of their organization. Enron officials put loyalty to themselves above loyalty to everyone else with a stake in the company’s fate-stockholders, business partners, ratepayers, local communities, and foreign governments. They also abused the trust of those who worked for them. Employees felt betrayed, in addition to losing their jobs and retirement savings. America has an ethical issue because knowledge and techniques has been used to manipulate people unethically as well as to help them develop their potential. People who lack respect for the basic dignity of the human being could learn organizational behavior ideas and use them for selfish ends. Merit pay is a plan that most state agencies use. As times have changed and budgets are tight state government has cut back on merit play. The state merit programs were used to compensate employees for exceeding their work expectations. It has been over eight years since the state has given out merit pay. Employee’s moral is very low because top level management has found ways to get their friends pay raises. Another misuse of the merit system is when an employee has performed above the call of duty and is over looked and an increase is given to a person that has been less productive but is good friends with the boss. When times are tough economically, it is more important than ever for companies to clearly communicate their commitment to employees,† said Rich Sperling, a senior consultant with Hay Group. â€Å"Employers can leverage a variety of financial and nonfinancial rewards to engage employees through tough times when budgets are tight, but communicating and reinforcing those messages through a variety of channels is critical.†(HR Focus). How do you keep an employee motivated when there is nothing extra to give them for doing a job well done? Often times just a simple recognition of a job well done will keep an employee motivated. In my office we use to have a program called â€Å"Shout Outs†. Being that funding was tight and there were no pay raises being given out due to budget cuts our Deputy Director came up with this program. Giving employee’s recognition for going above and beyond to get a job done. It was amazing how the employees reacted to this program because so many people were never given credit for a job well done. What I found out through this program was that when people are given credit for going a great job they are willing to go that extra mile above and beyond to make sure they job is done and it is quality work that is produced. Often time managers would take the credit for a job they did not perform and were given incentives and they ones that had really done the job was left in the cold. Organizations have to make sure that when incentives are given out that they people receiving the incentives are the ones that deserve them. When an employee feels appreciated they are more willing to go without the incentive pay and get the job done it’s when they feel like the organization does not value them is when they start to look for employment with a company that appreciate them and make them feel like they are valuable to the organization. In conclusion incentives are environmental factors that are established for the purpose of motivating a person. Individual incentive programs give performance-based pay to individual employees. Team-based incentives of course aim to incentivize work teams. Variable pay refers to group pay plans that tie payments to productivity or to some other measure of the firm’s profitability. Incentives play an important part in motivating employees to do a good job. When an employee feels like the organizations appreciate them rather it is with bonus pay, paid time off, recognition, family leave, or good health benefits that are more willing to go that extra mile to make sure quality service is provided. Benefits and incentives pay also helps to motivate employees they call in sick less are healthier happier people all because they feel more appreciated!!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Health Belief Model Essay

Using the health belief model, how can the nurse encourage a patient, who is status post myocardial infarction, to make immediate and permanent behavior changes in his or her eating habits and activity levels especially when the patient views these changes to be insurmountable? Provide a nursing diagnosis with interventions and outcomes to assess the patient’s behavior changes. First the nurse would have to determine the patient’s understanding of what and how behavior changes can affect his recovery. The nurse could then develop a plan based on this information. Once a teaching plan is developed, the nurse could then divide the plan into small steps that the patient can take and build upon in time so that the task does not overwhelm the patient. For example, the nurse addresses the need for a low salt diet not by telling the patient he cannot enjoy any salty food but that he can modify his diet to gradually decrease his salt intake and by replacing salt with a salt substitute. The nurse will further need to explain the effect of salt on his damaged heart and what it could mean if action is not taken. This would use the health belief model in that it has explained to the patient what health related action needs to be taken in order to avoid a negative health condition (University, 2012). Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective coping related to inadequate levels of confidence in ability to cope as evidenced by patient’s statement â€Å"I just don’t know how I am going to do all of this†. Client Outcome/Goal: patient demonstrates and verbalizes the ability to cope, patient sets and achieves goal made, patient able to maintain goals regarding diet and exercise Nursing Interventions: Help patient set realistic goals, encourage patients to participate in goal setting, development, encourage family participation in patient education Ackley, MSN, EdS, RN, B. J., & Ladwig, MSN, RN CHTP, HNC, G. B. (2002). Nursing diagnosis handbook (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Health belief model. (2012). Retrieved from

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Understanding Point of View in Literature

Understanding Point of View in Literature When you read a story, have you ever thought about who is telling it? That component of story-telling is called the point of view (often abbreviated as POV) of a book is the method and perspective an author uses for conveying the story. Writers use point of view as a way to connect with the reader, and there are various ways in which a point of view can impact the experience of the reader. Read on to learn more about this aspect of storytelling and how it can enhance the emotional impact of the narrative.   First-Person POV A first-person point of view comes from the narrator of the story, which may be the  writer or the main character. The storyline will use  personal pronouns, like I and me,   and can sometimes sound a little bit like reading a personal journal or listening to someone talk. The narrator witnesses events first hand and expresses how it looks and feels from his or her experience. The first-person point of view can also be more than one person and will use we when referencing the group.   Check out this example from Huckleberry Finn - Toms most well now, and got his bullet around his neck on a watch-guard for a watch, and is always seeing what time it is, and so there aint nothing more to write about, and I am rotten glad of it, because if Id a knowed what a trouble it was to make a book I wouldnt a tackled it, and aint a-going to no more. Second Person POV A second person point of view is seldom used when it comes to novels, which makes sense if you think about it. In second person, the writer speaks directly to the reader. This would be awkward and confusing in that format! But, its popular in business writing, self-help articles and books, speeches, advertising and even song lyrics. If you are talking to someone about changing careers and giving advice for writing a resume, you might address the reader directly. In fact, this article is written in second person point of view.  Check out the introductory sentence of this article, which addresses the reader: When you read a story, have you ever thought about who is telling it?   Third Person POV The third person is the most common type of narration when it comes to novels. In this point of view, there is an external narrator who is telling the story. The narrator  will use pronouns like he or she or even they if they are talking about a group. The omniscient narrator provides an insight to the thoughts, feelings, and impressions of all the characters and events, not just one. We receive information from an all-knowing vantage point- and we even know what’s going on when nobody is around to experience it. But the narrator can also provide a more objective or dramatic point of view, in which we are told events and allowed to react and have feelings as an observer. In this format, we are not provided the emotions, we experience emotions, based on the events we read about. While this may sound impersonal, it is just the opposite. This is much like observing a film or a play- and we know how powerful that can be! Which point of view is best? When determining which of the three points of view to use, its important to consider what type of story youre writing. If youre telling a story from a personal perspective, such as that of your main character or of your own perspective, youll want to use the first person. This is the most intimate type of writing, as it is quite personal. If what youre writing about is more informational and is providing the reader with information or instructions, then second-person is best. This is great for cookbooks, self-help books, and educational articles, like this one! If you want to tell a story from a broader point of view, knowing everything about everyone, then the third person is the way to go.  Ã‚   The importance of point of view A well-executed point of view is a crucial foundation for any piece of writing. Naturally, the point of view provides the context and backstory you need for the audience to understand the scene, and helps your audience best see your characters and interpret the material in the way you intend. But what some writers dont always realize, is that a solid point of view can actually help drive the crafting of the story. When you take narration and point of view into account, you can decide what details need to be included (an omniscient narrator knows everything, but a first-person narrator is limited to just those experiences) and can bring inspiration for creating drama and emotion. All of which are crucial to creating a quality creative work.   Article edited  by  Stacy Jagodowski

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Business Law for Dick Smith

The Sydney Morning Herald, March 20, 2017 The Directors and the Executives of Dick Smith have been accused of mitting a breach of their directorial duty to exercise reasonable care after the pany has suffered financial collapse in January 2016. The former directors of the Dick Smith had to face legal action 14 months after the electronics chain was put into administration. Receiver brought a legal action against the directors and executives to recover losses worth $60 million as the directors failed to exercise reasonable standard of care and skill managing the pany’s inventory. The pany was alleged that its inventory purchasing decisions are based on maximizing rebates instead of demand of the customers which led to an increase in the redundant stock amounting to $180 million by October 2015. The excessive stock led the pany write off $60 million of inventory in November 2015. The directors were accused of inflating profits artificially in the 2015 financial year, as they were recoding rebates as profit. Although the directors denied that they made the purchasing decisions based on rebates, the chief financial officer of the pany admitted in court that the pany did adopt a strategy to enhance the earnings from rebates. The law firm defending the directors contended that the directors have always acted diligently, consciously and exercised reasonable care while carrying out the business operation of the pany. The issue that arises in the Dick Smiths case is that the directors have failed to exercise their statutory duty to exercise due care and diligence while carrying out the business operations of the pany. According to Section 180 (1) of the Corporations Act (Cth) a director was required to act with reasonable care and diligence. Under general law, whether a director had mitted a breach of his directorial duties is subject to the subjective assessment and depends largely on the director’s own knowledge and skill (Velasco 2014). However, in Re City Equitable [1925] the rule, the court held that in order to determine whether a director has violated his directorial duties, the objective test shall be applied where the director must establish that he has exercised reasonable care and diligence and had not mitted a breach of his duties. In Dick Smith’s case, the directors and the executives were alleged to have failed to place adequate systems to manage the supplier rebates and inventory of the pany. In ASIC v Healey [2011], the court held that the directors of the pany are under statutory obligation to be able to read and prehend the financial statements of the pany instead of simply relying on the fact that the systems are in place. Further, in Daniels v Anderson [1995], the Court of Appeal held that directors must prehend the nature of the duty that they are statutorily obligated to perform. Section 180 (1) of the Act further requires to impose an objective ‘reasonable person’ test in order to determine whether the director has exhibited hid duty of care and diligence in the manner as any reasonable person would exhibit under similar circumstances. ASIC v Healey & Ors [2011] FCA 717 JWS Daniels v Anderson [1995] 37 nswlr 438 Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co [1925] Ch 407 Velasco, J., 2014. A Defense of the Corporate Law Duty of Care.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Experience in writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Experience in writing - Essay Example One of my strongest points is that I have a good command of grammatical correctness; I have always practiced this in the course of improving my communication. In any piece of writing, I give much attention to avoiding spelling and typographical errors that may distort my message. The ability to organize my points in an effective way also forms part of my strengths in writing. To that end, I always ensure that my points are well organized and logically supporting my thesis. However, I have weakness in language use especially in the scenario where I have to choose the right word, among many words leading in the same direction. I tend to confuse the difference between these types of words and may end up using the least-fitting one. My experience also features love and hate stories for writing. What I love most is the ability to communicate my mind without necessarily expressing feelings. I have weakness in expressing true feelings and, thus far, this has made writing a better place since it gives me an ample time for constructing my views to best fit the feeling I intend. In which case, my narrative skills have served me best in improving my confidence and love for writing. Despite the love, I have a strong hate for the rules restricting the use of First-persons pronouns. I always feel that such kind of cases restrict me from fully expressing myself within a piece of writing especially in a case where I would like to identify personally with my narration and let the reader have a glimpse of genuineness.